Saturday, October 27, 2018

Attitude is Everything

Our attitude determines our altitude, which means attitude Is a measure of our success. The level of success we achieve is determined by our Attitude. What is attitude? The way in which we look and think about something or someone and the way in which we react to a situation is called Attitude. Attitude can be positive or negative. Positive attitude looks for positive in any situation and accepts things and people as they are while negative attitude looks for problems in any situation and try to change people and situation.

There is a beautiful story which explains attitude in a simple manner. There were three masons working very hard in constructing a building. They were tired and sweating. A man who passes by asked them what they were doing. The first one with a stern face told that he is cutting a stone and the second one told that he is building a compound wall and the third one with a smile on his face said that he is building a church which is going to stand for years to come. Which of these three people could you relate with?

Attitude is like a switch. Turn on that switch; everything in our life will look beautiful. On the other hand, if you turn it off, life becomes gloomy and negative. To some extent attitude is inherent and inborn, but the environment in which we live also contributes to our attitude and vice versa is also true, which means if we have a positive attitude, we can influence our surroundings and people around us in a positive way. Our experiences and memories have a strong influence on our attitude. We judge people based on our experiences with them. We start developing thinking towards our future with our past in our mind like developing a habit and it’s called as habitude. We need to learn to live in the present without holding our past. If our past is unpleasant, we can actually recreate it by redefining those unpleasant moments and give them a new meaning and with that new past we can have a bright future of our choice. All successful leaders, in the past and present are master of their attitudes.

A person cannot be positive always. But it is easy to change our attitude when we get into a negative mode. The solution is to count our blessings. Whenever we feel down, if we start writing the things for which we are grateful for we can definitely see a shift in our attitude.
Finally, as Norman Vincent Peale said, “Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude towards it, for that determines our success or failure”. So let’s all learn the skill of mastering our attitude and be successful.

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